How we raise our puppies

We try to give our puppies the best possible start in life and therefore we practice ENS (early neurological stimulation). If you are not familiar with this concept, please look it up on the internet, e.g. on breeding better dogs (dot) com (in one word)

Just like our other dogs, our puppies are part of the family and free to roam in our house and garden. We strongly believe in the fact that the richer the environment is the better the puppies will develop.
That’s why we provide them with a great variety of playing tools, lots of them with a balance element. We also take them on short (car) trips and make sure that they come in contact with lots of visitors, human and canine.

Before the puppies leave for their new homes they don’t only get the usual vaccinations, health checks and dewormers etc. but are also taken to an eye specialist for the ECVO exam. Below, find some photos and videos of them.

Pictures of the B-litter you find here


2. Mai / B-WurfVideo auf Facebook 4. Mai / B-WurfVideo auf Facebook 14. Mai / B-WurfVideo auf Facebook 18. Mai (Video 1/ B-WurfVideo auf Facebook 18. Mai (Video 2) / B-WurfVideo auf Facebook 19. Mai / B-WurfVideo auf Facebook 29. Mai / B-WurfVideo auf Facebook

Videos of the c- litter:

08. August / C-WurfVideo auf Facebook 19. August / C-WurfVideo auf Facebook

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