
Alf (Moelfamau Spica), born 24-8-2017

Alf was not planned at all. We bought him spontaneously because I really, really liked his photo and his pedigree looked very promising. The breeder sold him to us at the age of 7 months.

With all our bitches in the house we never wanted to keep a male stud dog and had in fact planned to find a home nearby for him.  It was love at first sight. This dog is one of a kind. He is ALWAYS friendly and happy, LOVES children and other dogs.

Health Tests:


ED: 0/0

Patella: 0/0

spine: perfect

AMS: clear

FN: clear

PCRD-PRA: clear

EIC: clear

AON: awaiting result

last ECVO eye test: 11-1-2019:  all clear

last cardio check: 3-1-2019 clear





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