

Here’s a report from Curry’s owner: 

Curry joined our family in September 2022 at 9 weeks old. I already had a WCS, Salt, so I expected Curry to have a similar personality. Oh boy, was I wrong! Of course, Curry has a strong will to work and a will to please, but that’s where the similarities end. Salt is more reserved, friendly, gentle, patient, and cuddly — sometimes even a bit “prissy.” Then Curry came along. She’s a clown, always up to some mischief, and absolutely adores children. She’s extremely gentle with them, letting them cuddle and stroke her, and races them around with such joy. It’s a delight to watch. 

I had to get creative to make our training sessions fun for both of us. But once Curry understands what’s expected of her, she’s on fire, whether it’s dummy training or scent work. She works until she drops. On the one hand, this is fantastic, but on the other, it’s challenging when we haven’t trained for a while. Salt can be content with just walks for a few days, but Curry demands more and still needs to learn that there can be lazy days. If she isn’t mentally stimulated, she gets overly excitable and can be quite a handful, sometimes chewing on pillows or shoes. 

Curry also loves curling up on the couch with me in the evenings for some petting. She generally considers herself number one in the world and can be quite disrespectful and bold, with both people and other dogs. Sometimes she gets away with it, but she also quickly respects anyone who makes it clear that she needs to stop. 

It’s impossible to stay mad at her; Curry may be cheeky and hyperactive, but her funny nature makes her irresistible, and she wraps everyone around her little paw. We love her dearly. Curry keeps us on our toes, but when the day ends and she snuggles up to me, my heart melts, and I’m grateful for my two perfect Working Cockers. 

Health results: 

Size: 34 cm 

Weight: 8 kg 

HD: A1/A2 

ED: 0/0 

Patella: 0/0 

Spine: clear 

Genetically free from everything through her parents (except IVDD). Both EMBARK tested. 

Last eye examination: pending 

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