
Flakes, now called Flow, is an absolute whirlwind. She was reimported from Spain. Her mother, Scone (a daughter of Merci) was exported to Spain and later we brought Flow back. Unfortunately, she had an infection of unknown origin as she aged, which led to a head tilt. Thankfully, this doesn’t hinder her and isn’t painful. Flow’s siblings are all incredibly fast in agility, and we’re looking forward to her offspring, which she will hopefully have someday 😊.
Flow’s health results:
Size: 37 cm
Weight: 9 kg
PennHIP: Left: 0.33, Right: 0.27
ED: 0/0
Patella: 0/0
Spine: clear
Last eye examination: pending
Genetic tests: via Embark: clear of everything except IVDD and ALT (carrier)