WCS in Retirement


Guinness is a wonderful working dog. Her absolute favorite activity is search-and-retrieve – unless she has puppies, in which case she becomes the perfect devoted mother.

Like all WCS, she loves water and retrieving. Guinness is now an older lady and has slowed down a bit, but she’s still in great shape.

Guinness competed in A3 small. As early as 2015, she qualified for the EO and WAC trials. However, we chose to have her first litter rather than continue her sporting career.

Our N-litter was Guinness’s last, and now she is enjoying her well-earned retirement with us.

After Eight

Eight, born January 13, 2015 (NOT A BREEDING DOG!)

Eight is, without a doubt, the love of my life. The shock was immense when we found out at just 10 months old that she had mitral valve dysplasia, and her life expectancy would be measured in weeks or months, rather than years.

After the initial shock from this devastating diagnosis and several intense discussions with the cardiologist, she convinced us that the best thing for Eight was to continue living exactly as she was used to — with lots of walks. We also do “light” agility with her, purely for the fun of it, with no specific goals in mind.The progression of the disease is not affected by her activity level, though we go for ultrasounds every few months and Eight takes a number of medications. Following the advice of a friend and doctor, we started her on a heavy course of antibiotics soon after the diagnosis. To everyone’s surprise, it turned out that her condition is NOT hereditary but the result of a bacterial infection she contracted between 4 and 10 months of age. Of course, the issue never improved (the valve will never work properly), but at almost 10 years old (!!!), her heart murmur has decreased from 5.5 out of 6 (at diagnosis) to 3.

Eight is truly a special dog. Not only do I find her beautiful, but it is mainly her absolutely perfect temperament that stands out. I’ve never seen a dog so socially competent, so fundamentally positive towards everyone and everything, affectionate, intelligent (though I must admit, the high dose of Vetmedin she takes makes her a bit moody with other dogs sometimes) )… but above all, she has a gift few dogs possess: she can look directly into your heart.

Eight is my shadow, and I wouldn’t trade her for the world. Naturally, we never bred with her.


Merci is Aart’s dream dog. He wanted a black-and-white female from a good working line, and after a long, long search, we found a litter in Scotland through the owner of Merci’s father, “Boots,” which was born to a local hunter.

Merci is tireless and has springs in her hind legs. She is (unfortunately) incredibly intelligent, unbelievably quick (in reaction time), and sometimes even a bit “too much” for Aart.

Merci would definitely be unsuitable for a family with children, as she would immediately find every weak spot and absolutely needs to be worked.

Merci is now retired from breeding and can fully enjoy her current favorite activity — retrieving from water.

Merci’s offspring had an outstanding year in 2024: no fewer than six of her direct descendants qualified for the European Open (EO) in Great Britain, and four made it to the Agility World Championship (AWC) in Belgium. Her daughter Rosalie crowned this success by becoming World Champion with the German team. Merci even has her own offspring group on Facebook. She has truly produced exceptional children and grandchildren.

Her offspring also excel in terms of health, standing well above average: virtually all her direct descendants are completely free of any issues and are only carriers for IVDD. Their X-ray results are outstanding across all joints, with just two exceptions. Many of them have also undergone PennHIP evaluations, and these results are equally remarkable. This makes Merci arguably one of our most important foundation females.

We are fortunate to have Merci’s daughter Tufu and her granddaughter Skittles living with us, and we are grateful to Merci for giving us these two treasures <3.

RC-Videos from Merci hier

Video from Mercis Father Boots working hier

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