
Guinness is a wonderful girl – generally very much laid-back and cuddly. She doesn’t waste any energy on “useless” things. She is our best retriever, especially for lost objects, and LOVES obedience. If she could choose she would prefer this work over agility, where she is competing in the “small” category. Within 9 weeks after starting her career in April 2015, she was in the highest class (A3) in Germany and the Netherlands (IFCS).
That same year she managed to qualify for the EO Qualifications, the World Championship Qualifications and for the WAO Qualifications in the Netherlands. However, we decided to breed her first litter rather than have her take part in those qualifications.


All her joints were X-rayed .
The results:
Patella 0/0

all the other joints completely clear.
(We did not have all of these findings officially registered with the Kennel Club because they are easy to see in the X-ray pictures, which are available upon request).
Other health test results are:
Last cardiology check: 4-1-2018: all clear
Last ECVO eye test, 5-01-2018: all clear, only distichiasis affected (the year before clear)
AMS: clear
FN: clear
PFK: clear
EIC: clear
PRA: carrier




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