the 15 week law for bringing dogs of european borders
When the new law concearning bringing dogs over most european borders was announced I honestly thought that this is a joke. There are a lot of laws who don’t have any effect at all – unfortunatly this one has……. just not the effect it was meant to have. The idea behind it was to decrease … weiterlesen
open letter to the UK kennel club
After importing severel Cocker spaniels from the UK from very different breeders I had to realize that the British way of breeding within the KC is very different from most european countries. Let me compare the kc rules in the country I am breeding our breed (Cocker Spaniel) in with the rules of the kc. … weiterlesen
DNA parentage tests and litter controls
We hear quite often that pedigrees in the UK are not correct. I must say that I’ve never understood why the Britsh kc does so little to nothing to take care that their breeders differ from puppy mills. When we breed a litter in the Netherlands within the Raad van Beheer (dutch kc), the first … weiterlesen
Warum Zuchtrecht ?
Wie kann man verantwortlich züchten und was beinhaltet “verantwortlich” überhaupt? In letzter Zeit hatten wir sehr sehr viele wirklich nette Welpeninteressenten zu Besuch. Wenn wir ihnen sagen mussten, dass wir sie leider enttäuschen müssen was eigene Welpen angeht, da die Warteliste mehr als voll ist, war die Enttäuschung natürlich groß. Wenn wir dann die Möglichkeit … weiterlesen
dog walks
A few weeks ago we had visitors for the puppies who asked the following question: ” may I ask how you do it with posting videos of your dog walks? Are you calling your Dogs, or are you waiting for Moments where they are attent or what?” This question was very obvious not meant to … weiterlesen
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