
Seppl (born ca. January 2004) is a wonderful dog. We got him in 2006 from the German rescue organisation “ASPA friends Germany”. He is cross of a Spanish pointer. Seppl came from a Spanish killing station where he was dumped by a hunter. He had no self-esteem at all and an extremely low stress tolerance. For example, when we threw a ball he would start vomiting out of sheer stress. He was so terribly tense and nervous that we had to cycle with him more than 30 km a day so he could would settle down and get some rest at home.

However, with a lot of patience and hard work he turned out to be a super obedience dog (class 2). He was successful  in dummy tests, and reached grade 3 in agility. Even now, at the ripe old age of almost 14, he is extremely fit and still loves running next to the bike. Sometimes we wonder how many kilometers he has made in his lifetime……it must be an awful lot!

Seppl has a golden heart and we hope that he will stay with us for many more years to come.

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